This lecture covers mainly the singularity works On the effect of advection and vortex stretching and Finite time singularity formation for $C^{1,\alpha}$ solutions to the incompressible Euler equations in $\R^3$ by Elgindi. In the former work Elgindi investigates a blowup mechanism for a simplified 1D model for Euler equation, and then he applies this mechanism to 3D Euler case in the latter one. Conclusively, he constructs a self-similar type blowup vorticity formulated as \begin{equation*} \omega(x,t)=\frac{1}{1-(1+\mu)t}F\br{\frac{|x|^\alpha}{(1-(1+\mu)t)^{1+\lambda}} } \end{equation*}for the 3D incompressible Euler flow with initial data $\omega_0\in C^\alpha$($\alpha$ small enough), where $F$ is a bounded profile. The basic idea is to investigate a fundamental model(which preserves the singularity but is easy enough to solve out the explicit solution), and analyze the singularity under a perturbation by the advection term $u\cdot \nabla \omega$ up to some bounded quantities. Some further discussions and open problems will also be discussed in related topics. 1 Introduction We recall that the incompressible Euler flow is governed by the following equations \begin{equation*} \begin{cases} \partial_t u+u\cdot \nabla u +\nabla p=0,\\ \nabla \cdot u=0, \end{cases} \end{equation*}here $u(x,t)$ is the velocity and $p$ is the pressure. The classic open problem is whether a $C^\infty$-initial data $u_0$ can develop a global smooth formulation. A well-known Beale-Kato-Majda criterion tells us that a classic solution loses its regularity as $t\to T$ iff the vorticity $\omega\coloneqq \nabla \times u$ satisfies \begin{equation*} \lim_{t\to T} \norm{\omega}_{L^1(0,t; L^\infty )}=+\infty. \end{equation*}Consequently, it is natural to consider the vorticity equation\begin{equation*} \partial_t \omega+ u\cdot \nabla \omega=\omega \cdot \nabla u, \end{equation*}and investigate the blowup mechanism of $\omega$. The term $u\cdot \nabla…
It has stood the test of time, and emerged unscathed from every experimental challenge. But I cannot believe this is the end of the story; at the very least, we have much to learn about the nature of measurement and the mechanism of collapse. And it is entirely possible that future generations will look back, from the vantage point of a more sophisticated theory, and wonder how we could have been so gullible. Perhaps you will not only have some appreciation of this culture; it is even possible that you may want to join in the greatest adventure that the human mind has ever begun.
The Hilbert transform arises when we investigate $\nabla u $ in the 1D vorticity equation, which behaves similarly as $H\omega$. We will introduce the basic properties of Hilbert transform and apply it to solve ODE containing $H$.